The latest interior design trends for 2021
Discover this year's household trends and upgrade your home to reach it's true potential.
We are a few weeks into the new year, so now is the best time to assess and forecast household trends for 2021. According to industry experts, the quest for wellness and peace of mind at home will be the core focus of this season. Colour and mood Neutral and warm colours are predicted to become the latest trend in the new year. Neutral colours will be used as a base for the different rooms in the house, and then these warm touches will be used as statements of colour. The trend focuses on colours with beige, butter (yellowish), black, and white as this year's favourite (although it has already been a big hit for many years). Orange, red and pink stand out among the secondary shades mentioned above. All these new ideas appear as a result of the increase in the amount of time people spend at home, so providing a more welcoming atmosphere is the logical evolution. This is expressed by giving way to the natural, to imperfection and to say goodbye to the ostentatious and cold such as black marble. A return to the natural look We are becoming more and more aware of the power of the traditional, and the cosy aspect it brings to any space. For this reason, handmade craftsmanship is on the rise, as well as the use of natural materials in general. That is why wood will be one of the key elements this season, as well as because it fits in perfectly with the chromatic scale in trend. Handcrafted items represent a 180-degree turn from the more modernist elements we have seen in recent years, as it highlights the importance of imperfection and the inaccuracy of each and every piece. We can give a new life to that element, but without forgetting the history it already has. Textiles Wool and cotton will be the trend in 2021, and for exactly the same reasons as the other elements on the rise. These are undoubtedly familiarity, personality and above all warmth. Bouclé wool continues to grow in popularity over the last few years, with designers such as Pierre Agustin Rose already using it on a regular basis. Home To recap, we have to emphasise the role of the home in our lives, and the warmth and comfort we feel in it. This year, the trend is based entirely on cosiness, because at a time when we are forced to spend so much of our time at home, what we want is maximum comfort.