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Häuser zum Verkauf an der Costa del Sol

Villa  Benahavís
La Quinta, Benahavís

Villa Benahavís

Es handelt sich um ein völlig einzigartiges Konzept, das den Schwerpunkt auf avantgardistisches Design legt und die Nachfrage nach absolutem Luxus erfüllt, die von den anspruchsvollsten Kunden verlangt wird. Die Villa befindet sich in einem eigenen, sicheren, angelegten Garten und bietet die neueste Hausautomation und bietet Hausbesitzern Sicherheit, Komfort und Energieeffizienz, indem sie es ihnen ermöglicht, intelligente Geräte zu steuern, in der Regel über eine Smart-Home-App auf ihrem Mobiltelefon oder einem anderen mit dem Netzwerk verbundenen Gerät. Das Erdgeschoss ist offen gestaltet und verfügt über große, raumhohe Fenster, die dank ihrer Süd-Ost-Ausrichtung natürliches Licht hereinlassen. Die Villen wurden unter Berücksichtigung des lokalen Klimas entworfen, mit großzügigen terrassenförmigen Außenbereichen im Erdgeschoss, großen Balkonen, die an jedes der 3 Schlafzimmer im ersten Stock angeschlossen sind, und einer Dachterrasse, die den atemberaubenden Panoramablick in vollen Zügen genießt. Im Untergeschoss lassen strategisch platzierte Fenster viel natürliches Licht herein, und während des Baus kann der Käufer die Größe der Räume nach seinen Bedürfnissen ändern. Die aktuellen Kellerpläne umfassen 2 Schlafzimmer und einen größeren Kinoraum, aber eines der Schlafzimmer könnte durch einen größeren Kinoraum oder ein Spielzimmer ersetzt werden. Der Pool verbindet sich nahtlos mit der Villa, so dass die blaue Reflexion durch das Grundstück reflektiert werden kann. Im Innenraum sticht ein modern gestalteter Glasaufzug hervor. Dies ist ein Beispiel für die Perfektion, die die Villen zu einer der besten Immobilien in der Gegend von Marbella macht. Es ist ein außergewöhnliches Gebäude, dessen Eigentümer vollkommen zufrieden sein können, wenn sie wissen, dass sie sich eine der exklusivsten Luxus-Designervillen in Marbella gesichert haben. #ref:CBSH251
Von 1.490.000 €
Villen in erster Golflinie in El Campanario, Estepona
Benamara - Atalaya, Estepona

Villen in erster Golflinie in El Campanario, Estepona

Sechs moderne, luxuriöse Villen in erster Golflinie mit außergewöhnlichen Qualitäten und hochwertigen Oberflächen in privilegierter Lage in El Campanario. Diese Villen haben eine detaillierte Aufteilung mit einem Erdgeschoss, einem Obergeschoss und einem hellen und voll bewohnbaren Keller. Im Untergeschoss befinden sich ein geräumiger Kinoraum, ein voll ausgestatteter Fitnessraum, eine Sauna und ein Wellnessbereich. Von hier aus gelangen Sie in einen ruhigen Innenhof im japanischen Stil mit Swimmingpool und Wasserfall, der den perfekten Ort zum Entspannen und Abkühlen bietet. Jede Villa besteht hauptsächlich aus vier Schlafzimmern und fünf Bädern. Im Obergeschoss befinden sich zwei Schlafzimmer mit eigenem Bad, während sich im Erdgeschoss ein Schlafzimmer mit eigenem Bad und im Untergeschoss ein weiteres Schlafzimmer mit eigenem Bad befinden. Mit offenen Räumen und großen, vom Boden bis zur Decke reichenden Fenstern lässt das minimalistische Design den ganzen Tag über natürliches Licht in das Haus strömen und schafft eine nahtlose Verbindung zwischen dem Innenraum und der umliegenden Natur. Die Villen sind mit Liebe zum Detail gestaltet, mit natürlichen Materialien und warmen, erdigen Farben, die in jedem der Zimmer eine gemütliche und zeitgemäße Atmosphäre schaffen. Die Villen befinden sich in der exklusiven Gegend von 'El Campanario' und sind nur wenige Schritte vom Social Club entfernt, der über ein exquisites Restaurant, Tennis- und Paddle-Tennisplätze, ein Spa, einen Fitnessraum, ein Schwimmbad und einen berühmten Golfplatz verfügt. Puerto Banus, Estepona und Benahavis sind nur wenige Autominuten entfernt. Die Gegend hat auch einige der besten internationalen Schulen, renommierte Restaurants und ist nur 1 km von den schönen Stränden von Puro Beach und Salduna entfernt. Da der Flughafen Málaga nur 30 Minuten entfernt ist, ist dies wirklich eine erstklassige Lage. #ref:CBSH246
Von 1.590.000 €
Luxuriöse Wohnanlage an der Neuen Goldenen Meile, Estepona
Selwo, Estepona

Luxuriöse Wohnanlage an der Neuen Goldenen Meile, Estepona

Entdecken Sie die unvergleichliche Eleganz dieser neu gebauten Apartments mit 2, 3 und 4 Schlafzimmern sowie Doppelhaushälften mit 3 Schlafzimmern, die sich in der prestigeträchtigen Gegend Selwo-New Golden Mile befinden. Nur wenige Minuten von Puerto Banus und Estepona entfernt, bietet diese exklusive Wohnanlage einen Lebensstil von außergewöhnlichem Komfort und Bequemlichkeit. Genießen Sie eine große Auswahl an erstklassigen Annehmlichkeiten, darunter ein voll ausgestattetes Fitnessstudio, ein verjüngendes Spa, Coworking-Spaces, Paddle-Tennisplätze, Whirlpools und einen Sommerpool für Erwachsene und Kinder. Das Highlight ist der atemberaubende beheizte Infinity-Pool, der einen Panoramablick auf das Meer bietet. Darüber hinaus verfügt es über Spielplätze und einen 24-Stunden-Sicherheitsdienst für Ihre Ruhe. Diese Residenzen liegen auf einem Hügel und bieten einen atemberaubenden Meerblick und sind nur 2 km vom Strand entfernt. Jede Immobilie bietet großzügige Innen- und Außenbereiche, die sich durch ihre Materialien und Oberflächen von höchster Qualität auszeichnen. Insbesondere sind alle Einheiten mit 3 und 4 Schlafzimmern im gesamten Anwesen mit Fußbodenheizung ausgestattet und verfügen über großzügige Terrassen und private Gärten. Mit der Möglichkeit, die Innenausstattung vollständig anzupassen, flexiblen Layout-Layouts und exklusiven Möbelpaketen bieten diese Residenzen die Möglichkeit, ein Zuhause zu schaffen, das perfekt zu Ihrem Stil passt. Darüber hinaus genießen Sie einen Kundendienst nach dem Verkauf vor Ort. #ref:CBSH240
Von 453.000 €
Unglaubliche Villen mit Panoramablick in Mijas Pueblo
Mijas Pueblo, Mijas

Unglaubliche Villen mit Panoramablick in Mijas Pueblo

Villas Mijas Views ist eine einzigartige Anlage mit exklusiven Villen mit vier Schlafzimmern, spektakulärer Aussicht, zeitgenössischem Architekturstil und modernster Haustechnik. Der Bau der Villen ist im Gange und die Fertigstellung wird für Anfang 2026 erwartet. Diese atemberaubenden Immobilien bieten eine Kombination aus Meer, Sonne und Bergen in einer außergewöhnlichen Umgebung. Villas Mijas Views bietet einen gut aufgeteilten Innenraum, in dem Wohnzimmer, Esszimmer und voll ausgestattete Küche mit Frühstücksbereich zu einem Raum verschmelzen, der die Aussicht durch die großen Türen und Fenster mit dreifacher Ausrichtung maximiert. Die Verbindung zwischen Innen- und Außenbereich ist nahtlos, mit großzügigen überdachten und offenen Terrassen, dem perfekten Ort zum Entspannen und Genießen der Aussicht auf das Mittelmeer. Merkmale: Geschlossene Wohnanlage; Meer- und Bergblick; In der Nähe des Strandes; Privater Pool; Privatparkplatz; Aufzug. Die Residenz hat eine perfekte Lage: Strand: 5 Minuten mit dem Auto; Golfplatz: 10 Autominuten; Flughafen: 20 Minuten mit dem Auto. Die Gegend um Mijas zeichnet sich durch ihr einzigartiges Mikroklima, die schönsten Strände, fabelhafte Golfplätze und historische Stätten aus. Es bietet Reisenden einen Kontrast zwischen dem traditionellen Bild dieser Länder und ihrer Anpassung an unsere Zeit, wobei ihr Wesen bewahrt bleibt. Schlendern Sie durch weiß getünchte Ecken, Innenhöfe, Gärten und Kapellen ... Die Stadt bewahrt ihr friedliches Tempo und ihren altmodischen Charme, eingebettet in die Berge und mit Blick auf die Landschaft und das Meer. #ref:CBSH231
Von 2.050.000 €
Fantastische Villa in Lomas de Marbella Club
Nagüeles-Milla de Oro, Marbella

Fantastische Villa in Lomas de Marbella Club

647 m²Größe1.441 m²Grundstück67 Bäder
Das Anwesen befindet sich im Lomas de Marbella Club, einer prestigeträchtigen Urbanisation an der Goldenen Meile. Es ist eine sehr ruhige Enklave mit direktem Zugang von der Autobahn AP-7 zu allen Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt und der Costa del Sol. Die privilegierte Lage ermöglicht es Ihnen, 10 Minuten vom Zentrum Marbellas, 40 km vom internationalen Flughafen Málaga, 50 km vom AVE-Bahnhof und 85 km vom Flughafen Gibraltar entfernt zu sein. Die umzäunte Urbanisation Las Lomas del Marbella Club gilt als Elite und ist eine der besten Adressen in Südspanien. Sie zählt zu den beliebtesten Luxuswohngebieten Marbellas und bewahrt ihr elegantes und ursprüngliches Erscheinungsbild mit großzügigen und perfekten Grünflächen, 24-Stunden-Sicherheitsdienst, Lebensqualität und Architektur. Die Lage nördlich der Goldenen Meile, gegenüber der Puente Romano und in der Nähe der Königlichen Moschee mit ihrer beeindruckenden andalusisch-arabischen Architektur, macht sie zu einer privilegierten Gegend. Diese Urbanisation ist ein Treffpunkt für lokale und internationale Prominente, spanische Adlige und die europäische Elite und bietet die exklusivsten Villen und Anwesen der Gegend. Die Urbanisation liegt in der Nähe eines legendären 5-Sterne-Hotels, Michelin-Sterne-Restaurants, zahlreicher Golfplätze und internationaler Schulen sowie von Marbella und Puerto Banús. Zahlreiche Modeboutiquen, Restaurants und ein abwechslungsreiches Nachtleben erwarten Sie. Die vier Villen wurden nach höchsten Qualitäts- und Luxusstandards entworfen und verfügen über Energiesysteme und die Merkmale modernster Architektur. Schönheit, Eleganz und Komfort zeichnen diese nach Süden ausgerichteten Villen aus, die sowohl klassisch als auch modern wirken und mit hochwertigen Materialien und Materialien ausgestattet sind. Jede Villa ist gut proportioniert und erstreckt sich über drei Ebenen und eine Dachterrasse. So entsteht eine geschmackvolle Residenz mit sechs Schlafzimmern und mehreren Unterhaltungsbereichen. Beim Betreten der Villa befindet sich das Erdgeschoss mit einem großen, in mehrere Bereiche unterteilten Raum. Die voll ausgestattete Küche mit modernsten Geräten verfügt über eine maßgefertigte Kochinsel. Das Obergeschoss besteht aus drei Schlafzimmern mit Bädern und Ankleidezimmern en-suite. Das Hauptschlafzimmer mit Zugang zur großen Terrasse bietet einen spektakulären Blick auf den Pool und das Meer. Das attraktive Untergeschoss bietet drei Stellplätze, einen Waschraum, eine Küche und direkten Aufzug zur Küche im Erdgeschoss. Darüber hinaus befinden sich auf dieser Etage drei weitere Schlafzimmer, ideal für Gäste. #ref:CBSH229
6.400.000 €
Luxury villa in exclusive location, Golden Mile, Marbella
Nagüeles-Milla de Oro, Marbella

Luxury villa in exclusive location, Golden Mile, Marbella

552 m²Größe1.100 m²Grundstück45 Bäder
This villa, currently under construction, is located in a residential complex consisting of four exceptional, private, detached single-family villas, each with an outdoor heated swimming pool. It is fully furnished with designer furniture and finishes of excellent quality, making this property an ideal contemporary oasis. The villa is spread across three levels and sits on a plot of 1,100 m² with a Mediterranean-style garden, an outdoor heated swimming pool with purification equipment and a salt chlorinator. The entrance level, located on the upper floor of the house, features an entrance area with a carport and direct access to the villa. This level includes the master bedroom with its private bathroom and a generously sized walk-in closet. The master bedroom opens onto a spacious terrace offering panoramic views of the surroundings. The ground floor comprises 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, and 1 guest toilet, a large living room with an integrated dining area, and a fully equipped kitchen with countertops, lighting, furniture, and top-brand appliances with contemporary design: refrigerator, oven, microwave, dishwasher, integrated washer-dryer, sink, faucets, induction cooktop, and a GAGGENAU or similar brand extractor fan. The living room has direct access to the private garden, pool, and a large barbecue area. The basement is versatile and includes a laundry room, a large family room with a home cinema, wine bar, pre-installation for sauna and gym facilities, ample storage space, and staff quarters equipped with its own bathroom. Other amenities include: air conditioning, underfloor heating throughout the house with the Airzone system. Smart Home system for climate and lighting control. Installation of a SCHINDLER or similar elevator at the center of the staircase. Located in the heart of the Golden Mile, with direct access to the Marbella ring road, this exclusive enclave is only 900 meters from the beach and nearby services. #ref:CBSH238
4.850.000 €
Spektakuläre Villa in La Zagaleta, Benahavis
La Zagaleta-El Madroñal, Benahavís

Spektakuläre Villa in La Zagaleta, Benahavis

1.380 m²Größe6.847 m²Grundstück89 Bäder
Die Villa ist ein exquisites und luxuriöses Anwesen in einzigartiger Umgebung. Form, Struktur und Raum harmonieren perfekt und schaffen so ein optimales Zuhause. Sie wurde nach höchsten Marktstandards und mit modernster Technologie entworfen, um jederzeit den aktuellen Zustand des Hauses zu kennen und maximalen Komfort zu bieten. Diese spektakuläre, nach Süden ausgerichtete Villa bietet einen atemberaubenden Panoramablick auf die malerische Umgebung - vom Mittelmeer bis nach Afrika und Gibraltar. Ihre erhöhte Lage über den übrigen Villen begünstigt diesen Ausblick und bietet absolute Privatsphäre in Zagaleta. Die Villa erstreckt sich über drei strategisch verteilte Etagen, sodass Sie von allen Räumen aus die Aussicht und die umgebende Natur genießen können. Der Haupteingang besticht durch seinen besonderen Charakter. Schon beim Betreten des Innenraums genießen Sie durch die großen Fenster und die hohen Decken einen beeindruckenden Ausblick. Das Erdgeschoss verfügt über mehrere Gemeinschaftsräume, darunter ein fantastisches Wohnzimmer, ein Fernsehzimmer und ein großes Esszimmer - ideal für gemütliche Stunden mit Familie oder Freunden. Die beeindruckende, 62 m² große Designerküche verfügt über eine große, maßgefertigte Kochinsel, einen Wohnbereich und große Fenster, die für viel Raum und Helligkeit sorgen. Die Küche ist mit der Hauswirtschaftsküche, der Speisekammer und dem Personaleingang verbunden, um einen optimalen Service zu gewährleisten. Auf dieser Etage befinden sich außerdem zwei Schlafzimmer mit eigenem Bad und ein Bürobereich, in dem Sie ungestört und ungestört arbeiten können. Von dieser gesamten Etage aus haben Sie Zugang zum Garten und Grillplatz. Panorama-Glastüren führen zu fantastischen, überdachten und sonnigen Außenbereichen. Die Villa verfügt über großzügige Terrassen mit herrlichem Panoramablick auf das Meer, die Berge und das Naturschutzgebiet. #ref:CBSH235
24.750.000 €
Brandneue Luxusvillen in Marbella
Las Chapas-El Rosario, Marbella

Brandneue Luxusvillen in Marbella

Willkommen in den Villas Sirocco, einem Neubauprojekt mit vier unabhängigen Luxusvillen in der begehrten Wohngegend Marbella Ost, nur wenige Meter von den schönsten Stränden der Costa del Sol entfernt. Diese eleganten Villen zeichnen sich durch ihre moderne Architektur aus, mit großen Fenstern, die die Innenräume nahtlos mit dem Meerblick von der Terrasse verbinden. Jede Villa ist auf maximalen Komfort und Privatsphäre ausgelegt und bietet vier Schlafzimmer mit eigenem Bad, vier Badezimmer und offene Räume, um den mediterranen Lebensstil zu genießen. Die Villen verfügen über eine bebaute Fläche von bis zu 457 m², verteilt auf drei Etagen, und liegen auf Grundstücken von 500 m² bis 678 m². Zu den Außenbereichen gehören großzügige Terrassen, private Landschaftsgärten, ein Infinity-Pool und eine Sonnenterrasse, die sich perfekt zum Entspannen und Genießen des sonnigen Klimas von Marbella eignen. Darüber hinaus sind die Villen mit einem privaten Fitnessstudio, einer Sauna, einer Doppelgarage und einem Spielzimmer zur Familienunterhaltung ausgestattet. Die Lage ist unschlagbar, nur wenige Minuten von exklusiven Strandclubs wie Nikki Beach und Siroko Beach Club, renommierten Golfplätzen wie Santa Clara Golf und Marbella Golf Country Club und allen Annehmlichkeiten, die Marbella zu bieten hat, entfernt. Diese Villen vereinen Ruhe, Luxus und den Komfort, in der Nähe von allem zu sein. Wenn Sie nach einer Immobilie mit modernen Einrichtungen in Küstenlage suchen, ist Villas Sirocco die perfekte Wahl. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute für weitere Einzelheiten und um eine private Besichtigung dieser exklusiven Villen zu vereinbaren. #ref:CBSH233
Von 3.300.000 €
Beautiful luxury villa just a few meters from the sea in Marbella
Elviria-Cabopino, Marbella

Beautiful luxury villa just a few meters from the sea in Marbella

208 m²Größe33 Bäder
Estrella del Mar Villas Marbella is located in Elviria Playa, one of the most exclusive residential areas of Marbella East, just 10 minutes by car from the centre of Marbella and 30 minutes from Malaga International Airport. Elviria is known for having one of the best beaches on the Costa del Sol, as well as a wide range of gastronomy, leisure and golf courses, with several of the best courses in its vicinity such as Santa Maria, Santa Clara, Rio Real or Marbella Golf, among others. Marbella East combines commercial, leisure and service areas, such as the lively Elviria Shopping Centre, where we find a wide variety of international restaurants, with quieter spaces where you can relax after a day of work or during your free time. In addition, it has easy access to the A7 motorway, also known as the Mediterranean Motorway. From Estrella del Mar we can access Marbella centre or Puerto Banús, one of the best marinas in Andalusia, in just a few minutes and enjoy the lively nightlife they offer. Estrella del Mar Villas Marbella is a new development of 88 semi-detached houses, with 3 and 4 bedrooms on two levels, ground and first floor, with a private garden with a covered porch/terrace with a pergola and two private parking spaces. Phase 2 offers 52 homes that have spacious living rooms, with fully equipped open kitchens furnished with high-end appliances; 2 or 3 bathrooms (main en suite) and a guest toilet. All homes have underfloor heating throughout the house, air conditioning by aerothermal energy, double glazing type climalit, motorized blinds in the bedrooms and an excellent distribution of the rooms. The private development has a perimeter fence, green areas, a communal pool, a gym and a co-working area. #ref:CBSH222
860.000 €
Contemporary Masterpiece in Los Flamingos Golf
Los Flamingos, Benahavís

Contemporary Masterpiece in Los Flamingos Golf

825 m²Größe1.022 m²Grundstück55 Bäder
Stunning New-Built Villa in Los Flamingos Golf Resort, Benahavís Introducing a stunning newly constructed villa located in the exclusive Los Flamingos Golf Resort, home to the renowned Villa Padierna Hotel. Designed to the highest standards, this south-facing villa offers unobstructed panoramic views of the coastline and the shimmering Mediterranean Sea, providing a luxurious and serene living experience. Upon entering, you are greeted by a spacious open-plan living and dining area that seamlessly flows into a state-of-the-art kitchen, fully equipped with high-end Banni cabinetry and Neff appliances. The expansive glass doors lead directly to the covered and open terraces, creating a perfect harmony between indoor and outdoor living spaces. A guest toilet is conveniently located on this level. On the upper floor, three beautifully appointed guest bedrooms en suite each have their own private terraces, offering stunning views and creating a perfect retreat for family or friends. An expansive solarium completes the upper levels, providing an ideal space to soak in the panoramic views, entertain, or relax in the sun. The garden level features the luxurious master suite, which includes a spacious dressing area, a private en-suite bathroom, and direct access to the garden and private pool. An additional guest bedroom en suite offers privacy and comfort, while a second living area or entertainment room provides flexibility for various uses. This level also includes a laundry room, ample storage space, and a 3-car garage for convenience and security. Additional Features: - A/C with heating and underfloor heating and cooling throughout the villa - Elevator servicing all floors for ultimate convenience - Private garden and pool, perfect for outdoor living and entertaining - High-quality finishes throughout, including top-of-the-line fixtures and fittings - Fully furnished with stylish, contemporary furniture included in the sale This villa offers a truly exceptional living experience, combining modern luxury with breathtaking views in one of the most sought-after locations on the Costa del Sol. Ideally situated near the Villa Padierna 5-star hotel, world-class golf courses, and just a short drive to the beach, this villa is the ultimate choice for those seeking privacy, elegance, and the Mediterranean lifestyle. #ref:CBSH216
4.300.000 €
New built quality villa in Puerto del Capitan, Benahavís
Los Arqueros-Puerto del Almendro, Benahavís

New built quality villa in Puerto del Capitan, Benahavís

289 m²Größe1.000 m²Grundstück44 Bäder
Nestled in the prestigious Puerto del Capitán, this newly built contemporary villa offers a perfect balance of privacy and tranquility. Boasting a desirable west-facing orientation, you'll enjoy the warmth of the afternoon and evening sun, making this home ideal for relaxed outdoor living. The villa presents breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, creating a peaceful atmosphere. The spacious living and dining areas flow seamlessly into a fully fitted kitchen, which offers direct access to both covered and open terraces - perfect for al fresco dining or simply enjoying the serene surroundings. The master bedroom is a true retreat with its en-suite bathroom, while three additional guest bedrooms and two well-appointed bathrooms provide ample space for family and visitors. For added convenience, there is a dedicated laundry area and storage space. Take in panoramic views from the expansive roof terrace, or unwind in the private garden with its inviting pool. The property also includes a covered carport for two cars, ensuring ample parking. This villa is located within a secure, gated community, offering peace of mind along with an unbeatable location close to golf courses, shops, schools, and town centers. This modern villa combines comfort, convenience, and elegance in one of the Costa del Sol's most desirable areas. Don't miss the opportunity to make this stunning property your own. #ref:CBSH209
2.300.000 €
Exquisite Fusion of Contemporary Elegance and Andalusian Charm, La Cerquilla
Nueva Andalucía, Marbella

Exquisite Fusion of Contemporary Elegance and Andalusian Charm, La Cerquilla

890 m²Größe2.872 m²Grundstück66 Bäder
Nestled in the prestigious residential enclave of La Cerquilla in Nueva Andalucía, Marbella, this villa is a stunning masterpiece that seamlessly blends modern design with traditional Andalusian style. With a south-facing orientation offering breathtaking views of the iconic La Concha Mountain, this villa offers the perfect combination of privacy and serenity, while being conveniently close to all amenities, including the renowned Las Brisas and Los Naranjos Golf Clubs. Upon entering this elegant home, you are greeted by a spacious and welcoming entrance hallway leading to an expansive living area featuring a cozy fireplace and soaring ceilings, creating an open, airy atmosphere. The dining area flows seamlessly into the open-plan kitchen, equipped with Siemens and Neff appliances, and complemented by a stylish entertainment bar area, ideal for hosting guests. This level also includes four en-suite guest bedrooms, an office, a guest toilet, and a laundry area. Large glass doors provide access to the covered and open terraces, extending the living space into the beautifully landscaped garden and private pool areaperfect for outdoor dining and relaxation. The luxurious master bedroom suite features a generous dressing area and direct access to a private terrace, offering panoramic views and a tranquil retreat. The lower level offers an array of entertainment and leisure spaces, including a home cinema room, a fully equipped gym, and a wine cellar. Additionally, there is a spacious garage for 6 cars and ample storage. For additional privacy or for guests and staff, there is a separate fully-fitted apartment, providing complete independence while still being part of the main villa. The mature gardens surrounding the villa are meticulously landscaped, offering a serene environment for relaxation. The outdoor chill-out area with a built-in BBQ is perfect for al fresco dining and entertaining. The heated pool adds an extra touch of luxury, ensuring that you can enjoy swimming and lounging in comfort year-round. Additional Features: - Furniture negotiable - Completely renovated to the highest standards - Privacy and tranquility, yet close to all amenities and golf courses This is a remarkable family home, combining exceptional style, comfort, and functionality in one of the most sought-after locations in Marbella. This home offers the best of both worldsmodern luxury with traditional charm and a location that is second to none. It truly is a must-see property! #ref:CBSH217
6.900.000 €
Stunning Masterpiece at Los Flamingos Golf Resort
Los Flamingos, Benahavís

Stunning Masterpiece at Los Flamingos Golf Resort

533 m²Größe2.122 m²Grundstück63 Bäder
Located within the prestigious Los Flamingos Golf Resort, this villa offers an unparalleled blend of luxury, elegance, and comfort. Set on one of the most enviable plots in the resort, this south-facing villa presents breathtaking panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea, creating a tranquil and private oasis. As you enter the villa, a spacious hallway welcomes you into an expansive living area, featuring high ceilings and a cozy fireplace. The adjacent formal dining area flows seamlessly into the open-plan fully fitted kitchen, designed for both functionality and style. Three large guest bedrooms share a beautifully appointed bathroom, and a convenient guest toilet is also available. The main living areas open directly to both covered and uncovered terraces, offering ample space for entertaining or simply relaxing, while the lush garden and private heated pool provide the ultimate in outdoor living. The villa also includes a garage for 3 cars. The master bedroom suite is an absolute retreat, with a private en-suite bathroom, an extensive dressing area, and direct access to private terraces. Two additional guest bedrooms share a well-designed bathroom, and a convenient laundry room completes the floor. Each bedroom on this level has access to a terrace or porch, extending the living space into the outdoors. The lower level of the villa offers a separate extra room with a bathroom, ideal for a fitness room, home office, or additional guest accommodation. A generous storage room and a technical room provide additional space for convenience and practicality. Features and Additional Details: - Italian marble floors throughout, adding timeless elegance - A/C with heating, ensuring comfort year-round - Underfloor heating for added luxury and warmth - Alarm system and 24-hour security in a gated community for peace of mind - Close to all amenities and the beach, with just a 10-minute drive to Puerto Banús - Situated next to the 5 Villa Padierna Hotel*, offering exclusive access to its luxury facilities This exceptional villa represents the perfect balance of sophistication, comfort, and location. Whether you're seeking a permanent residence or a luxurious vacation home, is a rare opportunity to own a prime piece of Los Flamingos Golf Resort. Don't miss your chance to experience the ultimate in Mediterranean living. #ref:CBSH215
3.600.000 €
Quality Villa in the Prestigious Marbella Club Golf Resort
Montemayor-Marbella Club, Benahavís

Quality Villa in the Prestigious Marbella Club Golf Resort

658 m²Größe4.746 m²Grundstück44 Bäder
This charming traditional villa is beautifully positioned within the sought-after Marbella Club Golf Resort, offering a serene, private setting with stunning views over the sea, mountains, and the golf course. Facing south-west, the property enjoys abundant sunlight and tranquility, while being just a short drive from the golf club house and only 15 minutes away from the beach and all local amenities. A private driveway leads you to the villa, where a welcoming entrance hallway greets you. The spacious living area features high ceilings and a cozy fireplace, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Adjacent, you will find a formal dining room with its own fireplace. The fully fitted kitchen boasts a breakfast corner, ample storage space, and a laundry area. Direct access from the living spaces opens onto both covered and open terraces, ideal for enjoying the Mediterranean climate. On this level, there are three generous guest bedrooms, each with its own en-suite bathroom, along with a guest toilet for added convenience. The master bedroom suite is a true retreat, complete with a separate dressing area and private terraces that offer beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. The en-suite bathroom is elegantly designed, offering a luxurious space for relaxation. This level features a wine cellar, and there is potential to create an entertainment area, cinema room, or even an additional bedroom. The lower floor also provides ample storage space and access to the garden and pool area. The villa is surrounded by mature gardens and a private pool area, creating a peaceful oasis for outdoor living and relaxation. Steps lead from the main floor down to the gardens, providing seamless indoor-outdoor connectivity. A garage with space for three cars completes this exceptional home. This traditional quality villa offers an unparalleled lifestyle in the heart of the Marbella Club Golf Resort, with privacy, exceptional views, and a true sense of home. Perfect for families seeking both comfort and convenience, this property is a must-see. #ref:CBSH214
3.250.000 €
Stunning Newly Built Villa on the Beachside of San Pedro de Alcántara
San Pedro de Alcántara, Marbella

Stunning Newly Built Villa on the Beachside of San Pedro de Alcántara

450 m²Größe610 m²Grundstück55 Bäder
This exquisite, newly built villa is located just moments from the beach and the charming paseo of San Pedro de Alcántara. Crafted to the highest German standards, the property offers unparalleled quality and modern design. Upon entering, you are greeted by an open and airy living and dining area, seamlessly connected to a fully open-plan kitchen equipped with premium Bosch appliances. This floor also features a convenient guest toilet and a spacious guest bedroom with an en-suite bathroom. From every area, you have direct access to both covered and open terraces, as well as the private poolideal for outdoor entertaining and relaxation. The master suite provides a luxurious retreat, complete with an en-suite bathroom and a generous dressing area. Another guest bedroom with an en-suite bathroom and private terrace is also located on this floor, ensuring comfort and privacy for all. The first floor also offers additional private terraces to enjoy the stunning surroundings. The villa's expansive roof terrace offers panoramic views, providing a perfect space for sunbathing or enjoying the serene coastal climate. A separate apartment on the lower floor includes a fully fitted kitchen, a guest bedroom with an en-suite bathroom, and an entertainment area, which could also be used as a gym or recreational space. This versatile area provides flexibility to meet your personal needs. This exceptional villa offers a rare combination of modern luxury, high-quality construction, and an unbeatable location. Perfectly situated on the beachside of San Pedro, this property is the ultimate coastal retreat. (The beautiful furniture could also be acquired at an extra price). #ref:CBSH213
2.950.000 €
Beautiful villa in Monte Mayor Country Club, Benahavís
Montemayor-Marbella Club, Benahavís

Beautiful villa in Monte Mayor Country Club, Benahavís

764 m²Größe3.950 m²Grundstück65 Bäder
This charming traditional-style villa is beautifully positioned within the prestigious Monte Mayor Country Club, offering an unparalleled setting with breathtaking views of both the sea and mountains. Facing south to west, this property enjoys an abundance of natural light, and its fully private and serene environment ensures complete peace and tranquility. The welcoming entrance hall leads to a spacious living area with a cozy fireplace, perfect for relaxing evenings. The adjoining dining room is complemented by an open-plan, fully fitted kitchen, complete with a separate laundry room for convenience. The main floor also hosts a guest bedroom with an en-suite bathroom and another guest bedroom with a separate bathroom. Both bedrooms offer direct access to the covered and open terraces, the lush garden, and the heated poolideal for indoor-outdoor living. The master suite is a luxurious retreat, with an en-suite bathroom offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. In addition, a guest bedroom also benefits from an en-suite bathroom, while two further guest bedrooms share a family bathroom. Each room on this floor offers an elegant and restful atmosphere, with generous natural light and beautiful vistas. The lower level is designed for entertainment, featuring a spacious entertainment room, a billiard/snooker room, and a cinema room (to be completed to your personal taste). This floor also includes a guest toilet and additional multi-functional rooms, providing a perfect space for family gatherings, hobbies, or a home office. This exceptional home offers a rare combination of traditional charm and modern comfort, set within a private and tranquil environment yet only a short drive from the coast and local amenities. Casa de Flores is truly a dream property for those seeking luxury, serenity, and stunning views. #ref:CBSH211
2.475.000 €
Luxury villa in Valle Romano Golf, Estepona
Costa Natura, Estepona

Luxury villa in Valle Romano Golf, Estepona

413 m²Größe1.080 m²Grundstück53 Bäder
Romano Golf Villas is the perfect solution for professionals and families looking for a well-connected home, just a few minutes from Estepona, Marbella and just 40 minutes from Malaga airport. Estepona is one of the unknown gems of the Mediterranean. A quiet town, located in a privileged enclave, which captivates its visitors in every corner. Its renovated old town, one of the most beautiful in Andalusia, offers tourists the possibility of enjoying a true urban garden, 'The Garden of the Costa del Sol'. Romano Golf Villas is located next to the Valle Romano golf course, a perfect place to live and enjoy a top-quality 18-hole golf course, open 365 days a year. The single-family villas at Romano Golf Villas are elegant in design and blend perfectly with their surroundings. The finishes and natural ornamentation that the prestigious architect Serrano Font prints on the interior and exterior with materials such as stone, glass and wood stand out. Spacious living rooms with integrated dining room and kitchen that bet on a family lifestyle. All kitchens are fully equipped to the highest standards and have a separate laundry area. Magnificent master bedroom en-suite with large wardrobes and private terrace with sea views. The secondary bedrooms are also en-suite and have access to the terraces. Solarium with 360o panoramic views perfect for installing a jacuzzi, chill-out area and barbecue Porches and terraces around the garden and private infinity pool, complete the outdoor rooms where you can fully enjoy the sun and good temperatures all year round. This exclusive development #ref:CBSH212
1.675.000 €
Turnkey Villa in Valle Romano, Estepona
Costa Natura, Estepona

Turnkey Villa in Valle Romano, Estepona

220 m²Größe519 m²Grundstück32 Bäder
Nestled in the prestigious Valle Romano urbanization, just moments from Estepona's vibrant town center, Villa Romano is a stunning turnkey villa that blends contemporary design with the natural beauty of its surroundings. With a southwest orientation, this villa promises not only privacy but also abundant sunshine and breathtaking views. The property is thoughtfully designed with modern architecture and built to the highest standards. Its open-concept layout creates an airy, spacious atmosphere, while the luxurious finishes ensure comfort and elegance throughout. Main Level: The villa boasts a generous living and dining area with an open-plan kitchen (kitchen is not included), seamlessly connecting to the outdoor spaces. Large windows provide direct access to the covered and open terraces, private garden, and swimming pool, offering an ideal setting for outdoor living and relaxation. The master bedroom features a luxurious en-suite bathroom and a separate dressing area, with direct access to the terrace. The villa also includes two guest bedrooms that share a bathroom, as well as a convenient guest toilet. Lower Underground Level: This versatile level offers an open space that can be customized to create a fourth bedroom with an en-suite bathroom, or a stylish entertainment area. The villa also includes a garage with space for one car. This exquisite villa is located in a prime area, just a stone's throw from Estepona's charming town center, beaches, and an array of golf courses. The famous Estepona Port is only minutes away, ensuring you're always close to shops, restaurants, and entertainment options. With its perfect combination of privacy, modern living, and proximity to amenities, Villa Romano is the ideal choice for those seeking luxury living in Estepona. #ref:CBSH204
890.000 €
Villa in El Velerín, New Golden Mile, Estepona
Selwo, Estepona

Villa in El Velerín, New Golden Mile, Estepona

139 m²Größe748 m²Grundstück53 Bäder
Located in the exclusive El Velerín urbanization, next to Hospiten Hospital and directly across from the prestigious Emare community, this villa/finca offers great potential for renovation, making it a unique property in Estepona's New Golden Mile. With a south-facing orientation, the property enjoys excellent natural light and an unbeatable location, just a few steps from the beach and Estepona's seaside promenade, allowing you to enjoy the coast and the charm of the town with complete ease. The main villa features a spacious living area integrated with an open-plan kitchen, creating a cozy and welcoming space. The main house includes two bedrooms and two bathrooms, making it ideal for a family or as a vacation home. Additionally, on the plot, there is a separate house with three bedrooms and one bathroom, perfect for hosting guests or as an independent space for an office, studio, or relaxation area. The property is complemented by covered terraces, where you can enjoy the Mediterranean climate and relaxing views of the garden and surroundings. The private pool is the perfect place to unwind and enjoy the privacy and tranquility offered by this finca. This villa/finca represents an excellent opportunity for those seeking a renovation project in a prime location, with plenty of potential to customize it to suit your needs. Just minutes away from all services, shops, restaurants, and the beach, this property offers the perfect combination of privacy, comfort, and proximity to all that Estepona has to offer. #ref:CBSH203
725.000 €
Charming Townhouse in La Perla de la Heredia, Benahavís
La Zagaleta-El Madroñal, Benahavís

Charming Townhouse in La Perla de la Heredia, Benahavís

133 m²Größe32 Bäder
Nestled in the picturesque pueblo of La Perla de la Heredia, this delightful townhouse offers the perfect blend of traditional Andalusian charm and modern comfort. Ideally situated on Ronda Road, the property enjoys a south to southwest orientation, providing stunning views of the quaint village and the majestic mountains that surround it. With shops and restaurants just a few steps away and only 10 minutes to San Pedro town centre and the beach, this home combines tranquility and convenience in one perfect package. Property Features: The spacious living and dining area is the heart of the home, featuring a beautiful fireplace that adds warmth and character. It opens up to a lovely terrace, ideal for enjoying your morning coffee or relaxing in the evening while taking in the views of the village and the surrounding mountains. The separate kitchen is fully fitted and offers ample space for meal preparation, with an adjacent laundry area for added convenience. A practical guest toilet is also located on the main floor. The master bedroom boasts its own en-suite bathroom, offering a private retreat with tranquil views of the village and mountains. There are two additional guest bedrooms, which share a well-appointed bathroom. These rooms offer plenty of space and comfort for family or friends. Step out onto the open terrace from the living area, perfect for enjoying the warm Andalusian climate, whether it's for outdoor dining or simply unwinding. Additional Highlights: With a total of 43 m² of terrace space, you'll have ample room to enjoy the beautiful outdoor surroundings. Situated in a charming, peaceful village, yet just a short drive to the bustling San Pedro and beaches, the location offers the best of both worlds. This townhouse is an ideal choice for those looking to enjoy the beauty and serenity of Benahavís, with all amenities close by and the stunning countryside at your doorstep. Whether as a permanent residence or a charming getaway, this home is a wonderful place to call your own. #ref:CBSH202
570.000 €
Charming Townhouse in the Heart of Estepona Centre
Estepona Pueblo, Estepona

Charming Townhouse in the Heart of Estepona Centre

61 m²Größe21 Bathroom
This newly built townhouse, located in the vibrant and historic centre of Estepona, offers an excellent opportunity for those seeking a stylish and compact home with modern comforts. Designed with a perfect blend of contemporary design and traditional Spanish charm, this property is ideal for anyone looking to enjoy the essence of Estepona, with everything the town has to offer right at your doorstep. Property Features: Main Floor: The main floor features a spacious living and dining area that creates a welcoming space for both relaxing and entertaining. A fully fitted kitchen with modern appliances, a convenient guest toilet, and a charming patio enhance the functionality and flow of this level. First Floor: The first floor boasts a bright and airy master bedroom, complemented by a second guest bedroom. Between these two rooms, there is an open bathroom design with a shower, giving the space a unique and open feel. Expansion Potential: The property has the potential for expansion, with enough space to add an additional floor. This could accommodate another bedroom and a private terrace, offering stunning views of the surrounding area. Situated just a short walk from Estepona's bustling town centre, you'll have access to a variety of shops, cafes, restaurants, and all the local amenities. The beach is only a 5-minute walk away, allowing for easy access to the beautiful coastline. This townhouse presents a perfect balance of modern living and historic charm, making it an ideal choice for those looking to embrace the Costa del Sol lifestyle. #ref:CBSH201
349.995 €
Stunning Semi-Detached Villa in the Heart of Andalucia's Golden Triangle
Cañada del Real Tesoro, Cortes de la Frontera

Stunning Semi-Detached Villa in the Heart of Andalucia's Golden Triangle

560 m²Größe900 m²Grundstück99 Bäder
Located just 15 minutes from Gaucín, nestled within Andalucia's prestigious Golden Triangle (Marbella-Ronda-Sotogrande), this exceptional property offers the perfect balance of privacy, luxury, and breathtaking natural beauty. This magnificent semi-detached villa boasts a sophisticated and spacious design, offering a total of 9 bedrooms and 9.5 bathrooms, making it an ideal retreat for those seeking a private sanctuary or a business opportunity. As you enter the property, you are greeted by a grand reception lobby and a welcoming entrance hall. The villa's elegant design is highlighted by a cozy snug area complete with a built-in bar, and a spacious lounge with a traditional fireplace. The dining area, which offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape, flows seamlessly into a large covered terrace, perfect for outdoor dining and relaxation. The fully equipped, professional kitchen includes a breakfast space and a utility room. Additionally, a cozy TV room/library with access to a secluded sun terrace surrounding the private swimming pool invites you to unwind and enjoy the tranquillity of the estate. The first floor is dedicated to rest and relaxation with 5 en suite bedrooms, each with built-in wardrobes. Four of these rooms enjoy beautiful river views and are enhanced by vaulted ceilings, adding character and light to each space. A spacious hallway provides access to two additional storage cupboards and a laundry room. A door leads to an additional sun terrace with steps down to the pool area, offering privacy and serenity. For added comfort, the property features a separate ground-floor suite, which includes a bedroom, bath, lounge, and kitchenette, offering a completely independent living space with its own private entrance. Accessible from the lounge's covered terrace, the lower floor offers 3 more en suite bedrooms, as well as a guest toilet, providing even more private space for guests or family members. This stunning property is surrounded by beautiful river landscapes, countryside, and mountains, offering unparalleled tranquility and picturesque views. It enjoys a peaceful location, with easy access to the Costa del Sol beaches (just 40 minutes away), and is conveniently located just a 2-minute walk from the Algeciras-Ronda train station (Estación Cortes de la Frontera), making transportation to nearby areas quick and convenient. This property has been approved for use as a rural house, offering the potential to operate as a B&B, hotel, or restaurant. Whether you're seeking a luxurious family home, a holiday retreat, or an income-generating business, this unique property provides endless possibilities. A truly rare find, offering a perfect blend of nature, luxury, and convenience. #ref:CBSH205
995.000 €
Beautiful luxury designer villa in La Reserva de Sotogrande
Sotogrande Alto, Sotogrande

Beautiful luxury designer villa in La Reserva de Sotogrande

3.505 m²Größe10.126 m²Grundstück911 Bäder
Located in one of the most prestigious areas of Sotogrande, Villa Niwa is an exceptional residence that combines avant-garde design with maximum comfort and privacy. Designed by the renowned ARK architectural studio, this property redefines the concept of exclusivity, offering an unrivalled luxury environment. Facing east and southeast, the villa makes the most of natural light, allowing you to enjoy spectacular sunrises and the warmth of the sun throughout the day. Its privileged location on a 10,126 m² plot guarantees absolute privacy and a peaceful environment surrounded by nature, with unobstructed views and a landscape carefully integrated into the design of the home. With a contemporary design and elegant lines, Villa Niwa is an example of architectural innovation, where open spaces, light and top-quality materials create a sophisticated and welcoming atmosphere. The residence is spread over two levels and occupies an impressive constructed area of 3,505 m², designed with meticulous attention to detail to ensure an unrivalled living experience. The villa has a total of 9 bedrooms, each with its own style and designed to maximise the comfort of its occupants, Master suite: An exclusive space with a large dressing room, en-suite bathroom and access to a private terrace with spectacular views, Junior suites: Rooms designed to offer privacy and comfort, with en-suite bathrooms and high-end details, Guest suites: Carefully designed spaces to receive visitors with the utmost luxury and comfort, Staff bedrooms: Located in a separate area of the villa to ensure privacy and functionality. The property has 11 bathrooms and toilets, all designed with top quality materials, equipped with the latest trends in design and technology. The architecture of the villa blends perfectly with the exterior landscape, where 727 m² of terraces and gardens designed by renowned landscapers extend. These outdoor spaces create a relaxing and exclusive environment, ideal for enjoying outdoor life in complete privacy. The property has a covered parking area with capacity for 8 vehicles, as well as an additional outdoor space with capacity for 4 more cars, ensuring comfort and safety for residents and guests. For greater ease of access, the villa has an elevator that connects both levels, combining functionality and elegance. Villa Niwa is designed to offer a comprehensive luxury experience, including spaces dedicated to relaxation, entertainment and well-being, Indoor pool and spa: A private area where water, light and natural materials create an atmosphere of serenity and well-being, Fully equipped gym: A modern space designed for training and exercise in the comfort of home, Private wine cellar: An exclusive corner for wine lovers, designed to preserve and display the best collections, Private office: An elegant and functional space, ideal for those looking for a quiet environment to work from home, Various fireplaces: Decorative and functional elements that bring warmth and sophistication to the different spaces of the home. Villa Niwa is a unique property, where modern architecture, avant-garde design and luxury combine to create an incomparable living experience. Located in one of the best locations in Sotogrande, this villa is ideal for those looking for an exclusive home, with ample spaces, absolute privacy and the best amenities. #ref:CBSH182
22.500.000 €
Luxurious Detached Villa in El Paraiso
Benamara - Atalaya, Estepona

Luxurious Detached Villa in El Paraiso

396 m²Größe990 m²Grundstück54 Bäder
Nestled in the serene and prestigious community near El Paraiso Golf Club, this detached villa offers an exceptional blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience. This property is perfect for families, golf enthusiasts, or anyone seeking a tranquil yet accessible retreat in one of the most sought-after locations on the Costa del Sol. Spacious and Versatile Living Spaces This villa boasts a well-designed layout with ample space to cater to various lifestyle needs. The property features four generously sized bedrooms, each offering abundant natural light, ensuring a bright and welcoming atmosphere throughout the day. These rooms provide ample space for relaxation and personal retreat, making them ideal for family members or guests. In addition to the four bedrooms, there is an extra room that can serve as a versatile space depending on your needs. Whether you envision it as a cozy lounge for unwinding, a private study for working from home, or even a fifth bedroom, this room offers endless possibilities. Elegant and Functional Kitchen and Living Areas The heart of the home is the large, modern kitchen. It is equipped with high-quality appliances and offers ample countertop space, making it a dream for those who love to cook and entertain. The kitchen's open design ensures a seamless flow into the adjacent dining and lounge areas, creating a perfect setting for hosting gatherings or enjoying family meals. The spacious lounge is another highlight of this villa. It features large windows that flood the space with natural light, and it opens directly onto the outdoor terrace. This indoor-outdoor connection enhances the overall living experience, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful Mediterranean climate year-round. Exceptional Outdoor Living Step outside, and you'll find a well-maintained outdoor area that is perfect for both relaxation and entertainment. The large swimming pool is the centerpiece, offering a refreshing escape during the warm summer months. Surrounding the pool is a generous terrace area, ideal for sunbathing, al fresco dining, or hosting summer barbecues. The outdoor space is further complemented by a beautifully landscaped garden, providing a serene backdrop and additional privacy. Whether you're lounging by the pool or enjoying a quiet evening under the stars, this outdoor space offers something for everyone. Additional Features and Amenities One of the standout features of this property is the basement, which has been thoughtfully converted into a self-contained flat. This space includes a bedroom, a fully equipped kitchen, and a modern shower room, making it perfect for guests. Additionally, the basement offers several storage rooms, ensuring you have plenty of space to keep your belongings organized. For those with vehicles, the villa includes a covered carport and driveway with enough space to accommodate up to four cars. Given the property's close proximity to El Paraiso Golf Club, there's even room to park golf buggies, making it incredibly convenient for avid golfers. Prime Location Located in a prime area near El Paraiso Golf Club, this villa provides easy access to some of the best amenities and attractions the Costa del Sol has to offer. Whether you're an avid golfer, a beach lover, or simply someone who appreciates a peaceful and luxurious lifestyle, this property offers it all. Don't miss the opportunity to make this exceptional villa your own. With its spacious living areas, luxurious amenities, and unbeatable location, it's the perfect place to call home. #ref:CBSH179
1.490.000 €
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