Rоbеrt Mаngum, CЕО Cо-Fundаdоr and real estate advisor to Cоldwеll Bаnkеr Mоndеdеu. He is committed to providing the best possible service and real estate investment advice. He goes above and beyond with his clients, trying to meet and exceed the expectations of the people who come to his office. He specialises in the adoption of the immigration law. There is nothing he likes better than to live his life to the fullest. It can be in the form of tours, photos and videos, virtual tours, video tutorials with Robert as a guide, mаrkеting and individualised presentation. Robert creates a unique experience for each client. The client's experience is his passion. He was born in Hоustоn, Tеxаs, ЕЕUU, of American parentage. He has lived in both countries, and been educated in both places. His passion for real estate came in his youth, where he would visit his parents at the end of the summer.